

Our publications and patents


  1. 1. Bartsch D, Kalamkar K, Ahuja A, Lackmann J W, J Hescheler, Weber T, Bazzi H, Clamer M, Mendjan S, Papantonis A, Kurian L. mRNA translational specialization by RBPMS presets the competence for cardiac commitment in hESCs. Science Advances, 2023 Mar 29;9(13):eade1792, PMID: 36989351; doi


  1. Frank S, Ahuja G, Bartsch D, Russ N, Yao W, Kuo JC, Derks JP, Akhade VS, Kargapolova Y, Georgomanolis T, Messling J, Gramm M, Brant L, Rehimi R, Vargas N E†, Kuroczik†, Yang T P, Sahito R G A, Franzen J, Hescheler J, Sachinidis A, Peifer M, Rada-Iglesias A, Kanduri M, Costa I G, Kanduri C, Papantonis A, Kurian L. yylncT defines a class of divergently-transcribed lncRNAs and safeguards the T-mediated mesodermal commitment of human PSCs. Cell Stem Cell 2019 Feb 7;24(2):318-327.e8
  2. Ahuja G, Bartsch D, Yao W, Geissen S, Frank S, Aguirre A, Russ N, Messling J, Dodzian J, Lehmann K, Vargas N E, Muck JS, Brodesser S, Baldus S, Sachinidis A, Hescheler J, Dieterich C, Trifunovic A, Papantonis A, Petrascheck M, Klinke A, Jain M, Valenzano DR, Kurian L. Loss of genomic integrity induced by lysosphingolipid imbalance drives ageing in the heart. EMBO Reports (publication ahead of print)
  3. Chao-Chung Kuo, Sonja Hanzelmann, Nevcin Sentürk, Stefan Frank, Barna Zajzon, Jens-Peter Derks, Vijay Suresh Akhade, Gaurav Ahuja, Chandrasekhar Kanduri, Ingrid Grummt, Leo Kurian, and Ivan G. Costa. Detection of RNA–DNA binding sites in long noncoding RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 2019 Jan 30


  1. Mondal T, Juvvuna PK, Kirkeby A, Mitra S, Kosalai ST, Traxler L, Hertwig F, Wernig-Zorc S, Miranda C, Deland L, Volland R, Bartenhagen C, Bartsch D, Bandaru S, Engesser A, Subhash S, Martinsson T, Carén H, Akyürek LM, Kurian L, Kanduri M, Huarte M, Kogner P, Fischer M, Kanduri C. Sense-Antisense lncRNA Pair Encoded by Locus 6p22.3 Determines Neuroblastoma Susceptibility via the USP36-CHD7-SOX9 Regulatory Axis. Cancer Cell 2018 Mar 12;33(3):417-434.e7


  1. Ju Lee H, Bartsch D, Xiao C, Guerrero S, Ahuja G, Schindler C, Moresco JJ, Yates JR 3rd, Gebauer F, Bazzi H, Dieterich C, Kurian L, Vilchez D. CSDE1 regulates neurogenesis from human embryonic stem cells via post-transcriptional modulation of FABP7 and vimentin. Nature Communications 2017 Nov 13;8(1):1456


  1. Kurian L, Aguirre A, Sancho-Martinez I, Benner C, Hishida T, Nguyen TB, Reddy P, Nivet E, Nelles DA, Rodriguez Esteban C, Campistol JM, Yeo GW, Izpisua Belmonte JC Identification of novel long noncoding RNAs underlying vertebrate cardiovascular development. Circulation 2015;7;131(14):1278-90.
  2. Rangaraju S , Solis GM , Thompson RC , Rafael AG , Kurian L, Encalada S , Niculescu AB, Salomon DR. Suppression of Transcriptional Drift Extends C. elegans Lifespan by Postponing the Onset of Mortality. eLife 2015 Dec; 1;4:e08833


  1. Aguirre A, Montserrat N, Zacchigna S, Nivet E, Hishida T, Kurian L, Ocampo A, Vazquez-Ferrer E, Moresco JJ, Yates JR 3rd, Sancho-Martinez I, Giacca M, Izpisua Belmonte JC. In vivo activation of a conserved microRNA program induces mammalian heart regeneration. Cell Stem Cell 2014; 6;15(5):589-604
  2. Pulecio J, Nivet E, Sancho-Martinez I, Vitaloni M, Guenechea G, Xia Y, Kurian L, Dubova I, Bueren J, Laricchia-Robbio L, Izpisua Belmonte JC . Conversion of human fibroblasts into monocyte-like progenitor cells. Stem Cells 2014;. 32(11):2923-38


  1. Kurian L, Sancho-Martinez I, Nivet E, Aguirre A, Moon K, Pendaries C, Volle-Challier C, Bono F, Pulecio J, Xia Y, Li M, Ruiz S, Dubova I, Rodriguez C, Thiagarajan RD, Gage FH, Loring JF, Laurent LC, Izpisua Belmonte JC. Conversion of human fibroblasts to angioblast-like progenitor cells. Nature Methods 2013; 10(1):77-83. Published with a News & Views entitled ‘An indirect approach to generating specific human cell types’ by Prof. M. Werning (Nature Methods (10):44-45).
  2. Cai W, Albini S, Wei K, Willems E, Guzzo RM, Tsuda M, Giordani L, Spiering S, Kurian L, Yeo GW, Puri PL, Mercola M.D. Coordinate Nodal and BMP inhibition directs Baf60c-dependent cardiomyocyte commitment. Genes and Development 2013; 1;27(21):2332-44


  1. Kurian L, Palanimurugan R, Gödderz D, Dohmen RJ (2011). Polyamine sensing by nascent ornithine decarboxylase antizyme stimulates decoding of its mRNA. Nature 2011; 7;477(7365):490-4.
  2. Liu GH, Barkho BZ, Ruiz S, Diep D, Qu J, Yang SL, Suzuki K, Kurian L, Walsh C, Thompson J, Fung HL, Sancho-Martinez I, Zhang K, Yates J, Izpisua Belmonte JC. Recapitulation of premature ageing with iPSCs from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Nature 2011 Apr 14;472(7342):221-5.
Full list of publications:


  1. Formation of hematopoietic progenitor cells from mesenchymal stem cells: PCT/US2011/057542
  2. Robust and efficient differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells to multipotent vascular progenitors: PCT/US2012/025449
  3. Generation of vascular progenitor cells by indirect reprogramming: PCT/US20140162366 A1
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